Dear Friends,
My name is Keren i'm married + 4 little ones.
We created this website for you to be able to purchase easily
from our site the Colloide Silver Water that will help you, your friends and families to get cure with NATURAL ANTIBIOTICS.
The water we make for you is to use for almost anything you want to cure.
How did we start?
Well, having 4 kids, each with their own adjustment to life in this world, made us running into situations where doctors always gave us the simple solution.."just get this medicne and it'll be fine" we felt very bad with this kind of approach and rather something natural then this killing all jerms antibiotic....well we know that our body contains almost 70% water and we know the law of attraction "like attracts like" so looking on the net, asking questions and search...made us come to simple made at home antibiotics that can cure almsot any kind of iilness if we're talking about flue, seasonly cold, runny nose, all kinds of infections (like ear infection) etc...
In order to really understand you have to try it yourself.
Once you order you'll get the right directions for your personal use, you will be able to contact us always for any questions.
These water are made with consciousness and has a special energy you would feel.
Refua Shlema.